I get a lot of giggles and smirks and “is that really your name” questions when people encounter Polly Sue Poppy for the first time.  And with good reason!  After all, it IS alliterative, and who doesn’t love alliteration and it is a bit onomatopoeic so it is fun to say out loud.  It’s only natural then, that I have evolved into somewhat of a character befitting my name:  sort of Mary Poppins meets Abby Sciuto.  Some days what you see is what you get.  Sometimes what you want is what you get.  Sometimes I’m an enigma.  But I’m always unique.  You have never met and will never again encounter a me. I love my name and I make a habit of collecting my name found on signs and t-shirts and cheese labels and wine bottles and BBQ trucks, either Polly or Poppy.  I’ve attached some of my favorites below.

I also do feel like a character most days, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this Youtube treasure! I’M POPPY! Look at it.  LOOK.  When you scroll, glitter sprays across the screen.  A glitter bomb of glory. She’s quirky and weird and silly and awesome.  I love her.  I had to know more.  So I went to the Oracle of Google and found this article.  “Poppy means nothing. Poppy means everything. Poppy is exactly what she purports to be. She is Poppy.”  It’s me. She’s describing me.  This young woman/cyber-bot/imaginary-friend has somehow encapsulated my essence, my soul, my decoction, my…nitty and my gritty. Her real name, though, is Moriah Rose Pereira* which is both disappointing and dispiriting, but I guess there can really only be one and it’s me.  I’m Poppy.












*P.S.: there may or may not be some argument about whether or not Ms. Pereira adopted the caricature of another internet star, Brittany Alexandria Sheet, whose nom de guerre is Mars Argo